I M P A C T !
Last Summer, NWCC began an initiative called “Launch” to promote ministering in our local communities. Because of Launch, many of our NWCC family are already making an impact for Christ locally and we want to encourage everyone that they, too, can get involved. Every believer has a special gift that enables them to make a spiritual impact in a unique way and we want to encourage every one of our NWCC family to get involved.

In keeping with that goal, we are excited to announce we will be changing the name to “IMPACT!” and we want to hear how you are making (or would like to make) an “IMPACT!" this coming year.

Please send an email to Rick & Sharon Hersack and share with them what you are currently doing. If you want to hear more about what others are doing and how you, too, could get involved, Rick and Sharon will be delighted to talk with you more.